2022 Massachusetts Food Service Incentives

Gas convection ovens, Tier 1: $500. Tier 2: $1,000.
Gas fryers, Tier 1: $600., Tier 2: $1,200.
Gas pasta cooker, No Tier $2,000.
Electric dishwasher, high temp, single tank door type, Tier 1: $900. Tier 2: $1,200.
Electric dishwasher, low temp, single tank door type, Tier 1: $300. Tier 2: $600.
Electric dishwasher, high temp, under counter, Tier 1: $500. Tier 2: $750.
Electric dishwasher, low temp, under counter, Tier 1: $150. Tier 2: $600
Electric freezer, 15 – 29.9 cu. ft., No Tier $200.
Electric freezer, 30 – 49.9 cu. ft., No Tier $150.
Electric Ice machine, ice making head, No Tier $250.
Electric Ice machine, self-contained, No Tier $100.
Electric Refrigerated chef base, 35 – 120”, No Tier $500.
Electric refrigerator, 15 – 29.9 cu. ft., No Tier $150.
Electric refrigerator, 30 – 49.9 cu. ft, No Tier $200.
Energy Star 2022 rebate program eligibility:
Only natural gas or electricity customers of one of the Energy Star sponsors -- Berkshire Gas, Cape Light Compact, Eversource, Liberty, National Grid and Until -- can receive a rebate
Customers receiving a rebate through another program are not eligible
Customers of municipal electric or gas companies in Massachusetts and Rhode Island are no longer eligible for incentives through programs sponsored by Mass Save or National Grid
In Massachusetts, beginning January 1, 2022, Energy Star-certified products were categorized as Tier 1 or Tier 2, with the more energy efficient Tier 2 products earning a higher rebate. In 2023, sponsoring utilities in Massachusetts will eliminate Tier 1 rebates and only offer rebates for products currently in the Tier 2 category.
Visit the Mass Save website for more information on Instant foodservice Incentives, and discounted pricing on energy-efficient foodservice equipment for commercial customers.